Bienvenidos a ASONASA

¡Únete a nuestros equipos afiliados y descubre un mundo emocionante de actividades acuáticas! Sumérgete en la diversión y aprende diferentes estilos acuáticos mientras te conectas con personas apasionadas por el agua. No importa tu nivel de experiencia, aquí encontrarás un lugar para ti. ¡Motívate y forma parte de nuestra comunidad hoy mismo! ¡Te esperamos para vivir juntos esta aventura!

Equipos de natación en Santiago, unidos por la pasión.

Disfruta del emocionante mundo del polo acuático.

Aprende los desafíos de los clavados con nosotros.

Several swimmers in competition dive into a swimming pool. They are wearing colorful swimwear and caps, and are in the midst of an athletic event, with droplets of water splashing as they enter the water. The scene captures the motion and excitement of the race.
Several swimmers in competition dive into a swimming pool. They are wearing colorful swimwear and caps, and are in the midst of an athletic event, with droplets of water splashing as they enter the water. The scene captures the motion and excitement of the race.

Servicios Acuáticos

Ofrecemos entrenamiento en natación, polo acuático y clavados para todos los niveles y edades.

Natación Competitiva

Entrenamiento especializado en natación para mejorar técnicas y rendimiento en competencias locales y nacionales.

A swimmer in motion in a turquoise swimming pool with ocean waves crashing in the background. A white concrete barrier separates the pool from the sea, with safety chains attached to poles along the edge. The swimmer wears black shorts and the scene captures a blend of artificial and natural aquatic environments.
A swimmer in motion in a turquoise swimming pool with ocean waves crashing in the background. A white concrete barrier separates the pool from the sea, with safety chains attached to poles along the edge. The swimmer wears black shorts and the scene captures a blend of artificial and natural aquatic environments.
Polo Acuático

Desarrollamos habilidades en polo acuático, promoviendo trabajo en equipo y estrategias de juego efectivas.

Clavados Artísticos

Entrenamiento en clavados, enfocado en técnica, seguridad y presentación para competiciones y exhibiciones.
A swimmer in a pool is seen mid-action holding an orange and yellow flotation device with the text 'RLSS UK Speeds'. The swimmer is wearing a white swim cap and competing in a lane marked by red and blue lane dividers. A lifeguard or coach's legs and an orange buoy are visible at the poolside.
A swimmer in a pool is seen mid-action holding an orange and yellow flotation device with the text 'RLSS UK Speeds'. The swimmer is wearing a white swim cap and competing in a lane marked by red and blue lane dividers. A lifeguard or coach's legs and an orange buoy are visible at the poolside.